How do I edit a course?

There may be changes to settings or content for courses. Learn how to create an editing version of a course.


How to get there: Log in to GoContractor and navigate to 'settings' and 'courses'. 

Access course to Edit configurations: 

  1. Click Settings -> Courses
  2. Search the course you would like to edit.
  3. Under the Action column. Select Edit.
  4. You will be prompted "Users will be able to take the previous version of this course until you publish a new version. To stop users taking the course while you are editing, remove the course from qualifications." Click "Okay"
  5. You can change any aspect of the content or configuration
  6. Once you make your changes click Save.
  7. Click Back to the Course list view or Settings -> Courses
  8. From the Action drop-down click  "Activate".

Set Configurations descriptions:

  • Course Valid Period: This indicates how long the course content is valid for before the worker will become unqualified for the worksite and have to take the course again.
  • Identity Capture:  This allows admins to review completed courses to ensure the person who took the course is the same person coming to the job site.
  • Slide Delay: This indicates what type of delays will be in place so workers can not simply skip to the end of the course without reviewing the content.
  • Text-To-Speech: If you uploaded a PowerPoint this allows you to pull down all the text in the presentation and make it available for audio playback during each slide.





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