How do I invite a subcontractor worker by text with a code?

If a worker arrives to site and has not completed their training, invite them with a link and code by text message.


How to get there: To access the 'Invite Workers' feature, login. Click 'Workers'.


Example Scenario: A subcontractor worker who has not yet registered with GoContractor shows up to the worksite but their subcontractor administrator is not present or is not able to send the worker an invitation.



At GoContractor, we understand that not all of your workers may have the capability, or desire, to register an account with an email address.

How to Invite a Subcontractor Worker using a code:

1. Click the 'Subcontractors' tab


2. Click the subcontractor that is the worker's employer


3. Highlight and copy the link below 'Link to Share'



4. On your mobile device, open a new text message and paste the link into the message field


Note: Alternatively, rather than send the worker this project invitation link, you could just send them the GoContractor Register link instead: 


5. In the 'To': field, type the worker's phone number


6. Tap the send button



7. From here, highlight and copy the invite code from the project page in Step 3, paste it in the text message to the worker, then send it


To learn more about how workers can accept an invitation to register with GoContractor, check out Accepting a Worker Invitation to Register with GoContractor by Phone!

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