How do I reset a worker's course?

Learn how to reset a course for a worker so that they can repeat the course

How to get there

To access the 'Reset Course' feature, a user must be logged into GoContractor as a general contractor administrator.

If you ever need a worker to retake a course they have already completed, perhaps because the course has been updated with new material or maybe you believe the worker would greatly benefit from taking the course again, you are able to reset their course completion status. 

Note: This will reset only the course portion of their qualification. It will not affect any documentation they have uploaded or information they have provided elsewhere in the qualification. 

How to Reset a Worker's Course

1. Click the 'Workers' tab

2. Click the filter icon in the top right, then search for the worker using either their name, email address, or phone number

3. Click on the worker to access their profile

4. Click 'View/Edit' on the qualification containing the course they have completed



5. Click 'Reset Course'

6. Click 'Finish'


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