How do I use the approvals feature?

Admins can approve worker's answers, uploads and completed courses.

How to get there

To access the 'Approvals' feature, the feature must be enabled on the account.
A user must be a general contractor administrator or project administrator and signed into the
GoContractor admin portal.

As a general contractor administrator, you're able to configure your qualifications so that certain requirements (such as OSHA 10/30, Safe Pass, Name of Employer, etc.) need to be approved by an administrator before the worker or subcontractor company is allowed on the worksite.

If you have this feature enabled, you can follow the steps below to approve workers and subcontractors. 

Want to enable this feature? Contact

How to Approve a Worker

1. Click the 'Approval' tab

2. Click 'Workers'

3. Click on the worker who needs to be approved (This takes you to the worker's approval profile)

4. Within the sections titled 'Information', 'Uploads', and "Courses', any fields that require admin approval will be displayed as 'Awaiting Approval' in the 'Status' column. Click 'Awaiting Approval'

5. Select 'Approved' (If you need to reject the worker's answer, select 'Rejected')

6. Once all fields have been approved (or rejected), click on the 'Review' section

7. Click 'Finish'


  • If you don't click 'Finish', the worker will not become approved.
  • Workers who have been rejected will not become qualified until they have corrected all rejected fields and had those fields approved by a general contractor administrator. 


How to Approve a Subcontractor

1. Click the 'Approval' tab

2. Click 'Subcontractors'

3. Click on the subcontractor that needs to be approved (This takes you to the subcontractor company's approval profile)

4. Within the sections titled 'Information' and 'Uploads', any fields that require admin approval will be displayed as 'Awaiting Approval' in the 'Status' column. Click 'Awaiting Approval'

5. Select 'Approved' (If you need to reject the worker's answer, select 'Rejected')

6. Once all fields have been approved (or rejected), click on the 'Review' section

7. Click 'Finish'


  • If you don't click 'Finish', the subcontractor company will not become approved and their workers will not be qualified. 
  • Subcontractors who have been rejected will not become qualified until they have corrected all rejected fields and had those fields approved by a general contractor administrator. 

Questions? Email


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