How do I create a qualification?

Build a worker or subcontractor qualification made up of various requirements.


How to get there: Access the admin portal. Click the 'Setup' tab. Click 'Worker Qualifications' or 'Subcontractor Qualifications'.


This is step three in the 'Getting Started Series'.


If building a worker qualification with a course (video or powerpoint presentation), you should have already created the course for this qualification as outlined in the previous step Creating a Course article.


Jump to:

What is a qualification?

A qualification is the collection of requirements a worker or subcontractor company must complete in order to become compliant and gain access to a worksite.

Components of a qualification can include

  • Safety orientation courses
  • OSHA 10/30
  • SafePass
  • Other certifications
  • Basic worker information
  • Date of birth
  • Phone number
  • Emergency contact details

*Courses (videos and powerpoint presentations) can only be added to Worker Qualifications. The platform does not support courses on Subcontractor Qualifications.



How to Create a Qualification

1. Click the 'Setup' tab



2. Click either 'Worker Qualifications' or 'Subcontractor Qualifications'


worker qualifications


3. Click '+ Qualification'


+ Qualification


4. Give the Qualification a title




5. Enter a description (optional)




6. Enter a title for the section


section title


7. On the left side is a library of requirements ready to use. To add any, click the three dot menu and then click "To Section"




Creating Requirements


8. If the requirement doesn't yet exist in the library, click 'Create Requirement'


create requirement


9. Select the type of requirement you would like to create



10. Edit the requirement details, then click 'Save to Library'


requirement details 1

requirement details 2


Previewing Qualifications

Click the 'eye' icon to open the preview tool



11. Once all requirements have been added, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Close'






Publishing Qualifications


12. Click the three vertical dots under 'Actions' for the Qualification


three dots


13. Click 'Publish'


publish 1


14. Click 'Publish'


publish 2


*Now that the qualification has been created and published, it needs to be applied to its project. Only then will it be visible to workers or subcontractors.


Applying a Qualification to a Project


15. Click the 'Setup' tab


apply setup


16. Click 'Add / Edit Projects'


add edit projects


17. Select the Project to which the Qualification needs to be applied


select project


18. Click '+ Apply Qualification'


apply qualification


19. Select the Qualification and designate whether or not it is mandatory for workers to complete


check boxes

20. Click 'Add to Project'


add to project


Note: If you want workers to complete one or more optional qualifications in addition to their mandatory qualifications, select 'Require users to complete one or more additional qualifications'


additional qual new


Part 4: Inviting your Subcontractors


Questions? Email

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