How do I add a project to an existing worker's profile?

Use your worker list to find an existing worker and invite them to a new project.


How to get there: Log in to GoContractor. Go to the 'Workers' tab.


As a subcontractor administrator, you are easily able to invite workers who have worked on previous projects to new projects. 

How to Invite an Existing Worker to a New Project:

1. Click the 'Workers' tab

2. Find the worker

3. Click into their profile

4. Select 'Add More'

5. Select the project to add them to


Note: This process sends the worker an email notifying them that they have been given access to a new project.


Next: However, in order for the worker to begin completing qualifications for the new project, the worker must first add the new project to their profile.

To do this, have them follow the steps outlined in Adding a New Project to Your Worker Profile!


If you're looking to invite additional administrators to help manage a project/your GoContractor account, check out Inviting Additional Subcontractor Administrators to GoContractor as a Subcontractor Administrator!


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